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At Calvary, we believe the sixty six books of the Bible are the written Word of God. They reveal who God is, what He has done, and all He has promised to do. And, it is through the Bible that we can discover the life-changing good news of Jesus, which is worth exploring for a lifetime. 

Check out the resources below for ways to engage with Scripture, connect with God, and grow in your faith.


Explore these trusted resources for furthering your study of Scripture, including online tools provided by our REACH partner Wycliffe Bible Translators as we pursue our global focus at Calvary of Bibles for Everyone.





With Eric Wakeling, Trevor Behrns and The Bible Project

Come be equipped as a disciple to better understand the Bible and see the unified message that leads to Jesus in this series on Wednesdays at 7pm, starting January 8

Discover More

YouVersion App

  • Choose from more than 2400 Bible versions in over 1600 languages on your computer, phone, or tablet -- with many available as audio Bibles. 
  • Create your free account to Highlight or Bookmark your favorite verses, make Verse Images that you can share, and attach public or private Notes to Bible passages.
  • The Bible App is completely free, with no advertising and no in-app purchases.

Get the YouVersion App Connect with Calvary in YouVersion


Calvary Church highly values equipping you and your families to grow in your faith, So, we’ve partnered with RightNow Media, which is like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies," giving you FREE access to over 20,000 great videos for kids, youth, adults, parents, married couples and more. You can watch any of these videos instantly from your computer, mobile device or TV. 

Sign Up Today for RightNow Media

If you're part of the Calvary Family, you may have already received an email invitation from RightNow Media with how to access this amazing, valuable resource that we have invested in to bless our members and their families. Please follow the instructions in the email to create your account.

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Read Scripture Series

The Bible is a unified narrative that leads to Jesus and has profound wisdom for the modern world. The Bible Project's "Read Scripture" series utilizes short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.

The goal of this project is to change how people read and use the Bible. This is a goal that we at Calvary encourage wholeheartedly. For some, the Bible is used as a devotional grab bag. For others it is a instructional manual that fell out of the sky. And for many, it is an oppressive book of out-dated rules used to control people. We believe that the Bible is a divine-human book that speaks God’s word to his people. We think it points people to Jesus, who has power to change individuals and whole communities.

View Scripture Reading Plan Discover more about the Bible Project



The Filament Bible Experience is a unique, engaging encounter with God’s Word. It pairs a print Bible with the Filament Bible app, giving you access to a depth of resources you simply cannot fit in a bound Bible. This is available through an historic, patented innovation no other app or Bible software can offer: by simply scanning the page number, you will access study notes, profiles, devotionals, videos, interactive maps, music, and more that relate to the page you are reading.


Come visit Calvary's CORNER BOOKS & COFFEE to explore Filament resources, including a unique NLT Bible Journal of the Gospel of Luke as we explore the life of Jesus together on Sunday mornings. For every Bible purchased at The Corner a Bible is given to residents at the O.C. Rescue Mission’s Village of Hope. And, you can give above and beyond your purchase to further the translation work of the Bible for language groups still waiting to receive God’s Word in their native language.

Filament Bible Website  Corner Books & Coffee