Check Out WHAT'S happening THIS SEASON!

View the Middle School WINTER/SPRING 2025 Calendar (PDF)
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Wednesdays in April + May | 7:00-8:30pm
The Calvary Church Patio
Alpha Youth is launching at The Spot on Wednesday, April 2! Alpha Youth is a great opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. We'll be enjoying dinner, games, and a great discussion! By fostering curiosity and connection, Alpha Youth helps cultivate a vibrant spiritual community that inspires growth, encourages leadership, and strengthens faith among the next generation. More details and ways to help out coming soon!
ALPHA AYOUTH TRAINING: If your student is interested in helping lead Alpha Youth this season we are having a short training meeting this Sunday, March 30 after The Spot (12:20-1:30pm) in The Underground. We are looking for students who wanna take the next step in serving, leading, and caring for others. Paul challenges us to be ambassadors for Christ…and this is the perfect opportunity to lean into that calling.
Our goal is to create a fun, comfortable, and inviting atmosphere for students, which naturally includes good food, fun games, cool prizes, and super kind people. If you want to help make Alpha Youth an awesome experience for new students please consider supporting us by praying, serving, or donating food and prizes. Every little bit helps. We appreciate YOU!
Help Make Alpha Awesome!

Spot Sundays!
Sundays | 11:00am - 12:15pm
The Student Underground
When does Middle School meet on Sunday?
The Spot ONLY meets at 11:00am on Sunday mornings at in The Underground for teaching, worship, and games. We really value bringing middle school students together to facilitate new friendships, provide deeper connections, and learn how to walk like Jesus. Let's connect on Sundays at Calvary!
What do we do during the 9:00am Service?
We want our middle school students to be a part of worship in the main service as part of the body of Christ. You can sit with your family or with Pastor Josh on the right-hand side of the Worship Center (a few rows behind the ASL section). Another great option is to serve with younger kids at Calvary at 9:00am. Find out more here!

Sunday, April 6, 9:00-10:15am
The Student Underground
Is your student interested in learning more about baptism? Encourage them to join us for a short biblically based study of baptism specifically created for Middle School and High School students on Sunday, April 6th at 9:00am. We will meet in the Green Line in The Student Underground. Romans 6:4
Calvary's next church baptism is coming up on Easter Sunday, April 20, so save the date!

Spot Teaching Series!
The Runaway - A Study of the Book of Jonah
This series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From renegade cities to rebellious prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach. How will we respond to God’s call to reach others in His name? Don’t forget to Bring Your Bibles!

Camp Dates: July 13-19, 2025
Online Registration is Open!
Hume Lake is one of the highlights of summer, so don't miss out! Camp is a great way to make long-lasting connections with friends and grow in your relationship with Jesus! God does incredible things at Hume Lake, so please prayerfully consider sending your student to camp. There are only 20 spots still open!
The cost for camp is $1175, with a deposit of $350 due at registration. I know camp is expensive, so Calvary Church and Hume offer scholarships. Don't hesitate to ask any questions…Contact Maria at

The Bible Study - 8th Grade Boys!
Thursdays | 3:30-4:30pm
The Center on 17th Street, Santa Ana
Calling all 8th grade boys! We are starting a Bible Study to grow deeper in our faith and to connect with each other! We wrapped up Philippians and we are jumping into James. Get ready to lock in and focus! Bring $5 for a book and extra money for a snack or drink. See you there!

All Spot Events, Activities and Services
Outreach is a huge value we want to instill in our middle school students! We want to challenge and encourage YOU to Bring A Buddy or to BAB! Let's reach out to others on our school campuses, on our sport teams, in our neighborhoods, etc.
Let's do this...BAB (Bring a Buddy)!

Support The Spot!
We love making The Spot AWESOME, but we need your support! Here are some ways you can partner with our ministry:
-Prize Donations (See our Amazon Wish List)
-Snack Donations (See our Amazon Wish List)
-Spreading the Word (Invite new friends, post on your social media)
-Praying for our Ministry (i.e. new students, deeper friendships, passion for Jesus, wisdom for leaders)
-Leader Lunch Donations (Each month our Spot Leaders meet for a time of community, training, prayer, and lunch. Let Josh know if you want to donate a meal for about 12-15 leaders)
If you want want to help out or have any questions, please let Pastor Josh know!

Sunday Mornings - Before The Spot!
The Worship Center @ 9:00-10:15am
Sundays at 9:00am in The Worship Center - We want to invite all middle school students to worship with us in the main service. We sit on the right-hand side of the Worship Center (a few rows behind the ASL section).