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The Calvary Church Middle School Ministry for youth in grades 6, 7, and 8. The Spot is a community where we CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ. This is The Spot where you belong!

WINTER 2025!

This season we are excited to CONNECT through our school-year programs, events, and gatherings! We are seeking to GROW as we study the Word of God on Sundays and throughout the week! We are ready to REACH others as we invite our friends to church and serve in Orange County!


Each week we check-in on the Platform in The Underground (just through the double-doors on ground level of C Building).  Students will have some time to hang out and play in The Underground.  Then we'll move into the Blue Line for group games and connection activities.  We will engage in worship through music and experience growth through God’s Word.


Sundays | 11:00am - 12:15pm
The Student Underground
Join us for LifeGroups!

Spot Mid-Week!

Wednesdays | 7:00 - 8:30pm
The Student Underground
Look below for more details about each mid-week event!

The need to belong is huge!  As followers of Jesus, we belong to God and to the body of believers (Romans 12:4-5).  So…whether you’re tall or short; you're shy or outgoing; you’re into sports, video games, art, or just about anything...You belong here!  We want The Spot to be a place where you connect, grow, and reach. YOU BELONG HERE!  


Check Out WHAT'S happening THIS SEASON! 




View the Middle School WINTER/SPRING 2025 Calendar (PDF)

Subscribe to The Spot's Google Calendar



Spot Sundays!

Sundays | 11:00am - 12:15pm
The Student Underground

When does Middle School meet on Sunday?
The Spot ONLY meets at 11:00am on Sunday mornings at in The Underground for teaching, worship, and games. We really value bringing middle school students together to facilitate new friendships, provide deeper connections, and learn how to walk like Jesus. Let's connect on Sundays at Calvary!

What do we do during the 9:00am Service? 
We want our middle school students to be a part of worship in the main service as part of the body of Christ. You can sit with your family or with Pastor Josh on the right-hand side of the Worship Center (a few rows behind the ASL section). Another great option is to serve with younger kids at Calvary at 9:00am. Find out more here!



The Bible Study - 8th Grade Boys!

Thursdays | 3:30-4:30pm
The Coffee Bean

Calling all 8th grade boys! We are starting a Bible Study to grow deeper in our faith and to connect with each other! We are studying the book of Philippians. Get ready to lock in and focus! Bring money for a snack or drink. See you there!



Spot Worship Team Gathering!

Sunday | January 26 | 12:30-2:-0pm
The Blue Line in The Underground


We are inviting all students and leaders who are currently or interested in serving on the Spot Worship Team to join us this Sunday for a lunch meeting. We will talk about developing a heart for worship, practicing musical skills, and being united as a team. If you wanna be part of the team, please plan to be there!




Turf Time!

Wednesday | January 22 | 7:00-8:30pm
The Calvary Turf

Join us for a night of fun and fresh air as we run around on the Turf! We will start the night off with some snacks and games on the Turf before we head downstairs to The Underground for a time of teaching from the Bible.
Don’t forget to BAB…Bring A Buddy!




Wednesday | January 29 | 7:00-8:30pm
The Student Underground

Soul Session is a night of worship, reflection and response. Life can be pretty busy and chaotic, so we want to be intentional about slowing down and caring for our souls. Encourage your student to join us for these worship nights each month for a chance to connect with God in a deep and meaningful way.
Matthew 11:28 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”




Wednesday | February 19 | 7:00-8:30pm
The Calvary Gym

Get ready for GymJam! Each month we have a new color themed night, so be sure to dress up to win BIG raffle prizes! This month we are asking everyone to wear YELLOW for more chances to win! After some fun and games, we’ll head downstairs to The Underground for teaching and worship.
Don’t forget to BAB…Bring A Buddy!




All Spot Events, Activities and Services

Outreach is a huge value we want to instill in our middle school students!  We want to challenge and encourage YOU to Bring A Buddy or to BAB!  Let's reach out to others on our school campuses, on our sport teams, in our neighborhoods, etc.
Let's do this...BAB (Bring a Buddy)!



Support The Spot!

We love making The Spot AWESOME, but we need your support!  Here are some ways you can partner with our ministry:
-Prize Donations (See our Amazon Wish List)
-Snack Donations (See our Amazon Wish List)
-Spreading the Word (Invite new friends, post on your social media)
-Praying for our Ministry (i.e. new students, deeper friendships, passion for Jesus, wisdom for leaders)
-Leader Lunch Donations (Each month our Spot Leaders meet for a time of community, training, prayer, and lunch.  Let Josh know if you want to donate a meal for about 12-15 leaders)

If you want want to help out or have any questions, please let Pastor Josh know!




Sunday Mornings - Before The Spot!
The Worship Center @ 9:00-10:15am

Sundays at 9:00am in The Worship Center - We want to invite all middle school students to worship with us in the main service. We sit on the right-hand side of the Worship Center (a few rows behind the ASL section).



Middle School Pastor


Our digital permission form is required for all Middle School Students!




Hume Scholarship Form

Volunteer to Lead with The Spot

Volunteer Application