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Calvary is a Bible-teaching church in Santa Ana, California centered around the life-changing message of Jesus, making a difference in Orange County and around the world since 1931. We are an inter-generational and inter-cultural community that truly believes life is BETTER TOGETHER because of Jesus.


In the fall of 2016, we celebrated 85 years of God at work locally and globally through the ministries of Calvary Church of Santa Ana. Even as we look back to all that has happened since 1931, we look ahead to pursue a renewed vision to 2020 and beyond. 

Our goal is for Calvary to move towards the century mark in 2031 with a stronger, more impactful ministry for Jesus. The steps we take this year will help us fulfill God’s purpose for generations to come. This is only possible as we are prayerfully empowered by the Holy Spirit and as we work better together as a church family.

Will you join us in the journey?



Who We Will Be

"Calvary seeks to be a church family that is better together, being changed by the Gospel to love like Jesus across all cultures and generations."



What We Do Together

"Calvary Church is a community where we CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ."


Together We Go: Vision Series

This four-part series of special messages explores the biblical basis for what we do and ultimately, who we will be – together as a church family.

Together We Connect:
A Church Family that is Better Together

Together We Grow:
Being Changed by the Gospel

Together We Reach:
Love Like Jesus Across All Cultures and Generations

Together We Go:
One Service Vision Sunday

Watch Sermons from Vision Series 

Download Series Journal Notes (PDF)


Prayer for Vision & Blessing

Lord, even as we thank you for how you have blessed us for 85 years, we still seek your guidance and counsel as we strive for 100 years and more of ministry. Lord, please continue to direct our steps, keep us trusting in Your gracious power, and may we constantly seek Your will and plans for Calvary Church. Lead us Lord as we seek to be a church family that is better together, being changed by the Gospel to love like Jesus across all cultures and generations. May we remain rooted in Your Word and in step with Your Spirit as we pursue this vision together.

Keep us faithful when tempted, keep us persevering when tired, keep us looking up to you as circumstances may distract us, and keep us strengthened when weak. With Jeremiah we prayerfully agree with You Lord, “’Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,’ declares the LORD.” May all our plans and desires be to know You and carry out Your lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth for Your eternal delight. 
