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Weddings & Premarital

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’”  And he said, “This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”  - Matthew 19:4-6

Premarital Ministry  Weddings at Calvary   


premarital mentoring

Premarital Mentoring

You are entering an exciting time of life and we would love to journey through some of it with you.  Our model for Premarital Mentoring is to connect you with a mentor couple that will walk and talk with you and your fiancé over the course of eight weeks to explore some of the most important marriage preparation conversations you can have. These mentor couples have been through the storms, weathered them and learned how to come out thriving. These are not perfect couples, but people who have a heart to help others avoid pitfalls that can arise.

If you want to move forward in this journey, we need both you and your fiancé to fill out our Premarital Questionnaire online. Once we have received both of your questionnaires, you will be contacted to talk through payment, give you the books and set you up for an online assessment tool we use called SYMBIS.

Premarital Questionnaire 

If you have any further questions about our Premarital Counseling, contact us directly at 714-550-2455 or 

Weddings at Calvary

We want to do everything we can to prepare couples for a godly marriage. For our weddings both pastoral counseling by the officiating pastor and participation in our pre-marital classes are required. Timely planning well in advance of your wedding date will help us do that with you.

To schedule your wedding, please begin by filling out the Calvary Wedding Questionnaire. You can discover more about our facilities by using other the links below.

To reach our Wedding and Events Team please email or leave us a message at 714.550.2302 and someone from our team will contact you.