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Two of the Biggest Weeks of the Year!

7/11/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family, 

    We are heading into a few weeks that will result in some of the biggest transformation in people’s lives of our entire year at Calvary Church! We have already seen incredible life-change through our young adults trip to Zion National Park, our elementary kids trip to Forest Home, and our three G.O. Trips to Greece, Portugal and Albania. 

    VBS is coming very soon starting on July 29!  This is the single largest outreach event that Calvary Church does every year. We are always so grateful for your astounding generosity as you donate your time, supplies, talents and money to this event so we can continue to offer VBS completely free of charge. You can find all the ways to support VBS including serving, donating, praying and more at CalvaryLife.org/VBS.

    But the biggest effort I would encourage you to do this year would be to prayerfully consider who you can invite to attend VBS. We work so hard and we all give so much to make this an unforgettable week for the kids who attend. I want to make sure we have more kids than ever before hearing the beautiful message of the Good News of Jesus Christ while having the most fun they’ve ever had. Tell coworkers, neighbors, friends and family about how safe, fun, and free our VBS will be for them this year. You can share the link to our website at CalvaryLife.org/VBS, share one of our social posts about Dive In VBS from @CalvaryLife on Facebook or Instagram, or share a printed invite card available to pick up in the Lobby on Sunday.

    This Sunday we will see over 200 of our Middle School and High School Students head up the mountain to Hume Lake Camp!  This trip has the potential to be one of the most critical moments in a young person’s spiritual life. And frankly, it also has the same potential in our volunteers going with them. I know that camp was always a huge ministry to me even as the youth pastor. 


    Here’s how, it’s mostly through prayer:

    1. Pray fervently for God to work in the hearts of our young people at Hume Lake camp, July 14-20, and Dive In VBS, July 29 - August 2.
    2. Pray against the many distractions that the enemy uses to derail the beautiful things that should happen at camp - these can include illness, accidents, temptations, people treating each other disrespectfully, and just falling asleep in chapel sessions! 
    3. Yes, pray for safety, but even more, pray for the Holy Spirit to stir up our young people for Jesus!
    4. Pray for energy, patience, wisdom and strength for our volunteer counselors as they disciple our teenagers for 7 days straight at Hume Lake. 
    5. Camp is expensive these days! Your generosity to our Camp Scholarship Fund can help send kids to camp by making it more affordable for families in need. You can Give to Camp Scholaships Online Here or write “Camp” on your check memo line or Giving Envelope when giving in-person on Sunday.
    6. Donate supplies or money towards VBS - visit the Dive In Donation Station to pick up tags for each of the needed items you would like to donate, order items online on our VBS Amazon Wish List or Give to VBS Online Here
    7. Consider volunteering with our Kids or Student Ministries in the future - take a next step today at CalvaryLife.org/Serve

    Again, thank you so much for everything you do and give towards these events already! We truly are better together.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling