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Spiritual Health Assessment

"So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better." Colossians 1:9-10

Similar to an annual physical, a self-assessment provides a tool to measure your current reality and identify opportunities for growth. If you completed our recent Spiritual Health Check-In, a copy of your results were emailed to you. Use those results to glean the most benefit from this page. If you landed here in search of great resources for spiritual growth, click the button below to take the assessment now or simply scroll down to see recommendations for ways to grow in various areas.

Take Spiritual Health Check-In Here

Intro to Spiritual Practices (PDF)

The resources listed on this page are curated by our pastoral staff to help you grow in your spiritual health, trusting that the Holy Spirit might use them to bear good fruit in your life and in our church. As you read or watch any of these recommended resources, please know that they are not infallible, but hopefully they are beneficial.


To consider next steps toward spiritual health/growth:

  1. First, look at your emailed responses for each statement. Notice how you marked each statement. If you marked “Always true of me” or “True of me” it’s likely that this is an area of spiritual health. Wonderful!

  2. Second, identify any statement(s) for which you answered “Somewhat true of me”, “Neutral”, “Somewhat untrue of me”, “Untrue of me”, or “Not at all true of me.” Look below that statement for some suggestions that will provide opportunities to grow in that area this year. Choose to implement one or more of those suggestions. If you have more than one area you’d like to work on, consider focusing on one area at a time.  Visit our Corner Bookstore to browse recommended readings.  For video resources, you can sign up for free access through Calvary to RightNow Media.

  3. Third, if you have any questions about this process or would like to talk with a pastor about your spiritual health, email and request a 30-minute consult with a pastor.



THE TRINITY: I believe the God of the Bible is the only true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

  • READ A BOOK: Why I am a Christian by John Stott, Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves, Knowing God by JI Packer, The Deep Things of God by Fred Sanders, or Life in the Trinity by Fairbairn. You may also consider Our Legacy by John D. Hannah (very helpful for all theological development) or Heresies by Harold O.J. Brown (very helpful for understanding Christology).

  • READ AN ARTICLE: Understanding the Trinity from,  How Does the Trinity Practically Apply to Your Life Today from Two Reasons the Trinity Matters from



SALVATION BY GRACE: I believe that nothing I do or have done can earn my salvation. 

  • READ: In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado, What’s so Amazing about Grace? by Philip Yancey or Grace is Greater by Kyle Idelma. You may also consider The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith.

  • JOIN: The ALPHA group is currently meeting weekly. Register here for more details, then join with others to talk through the questions you have about God. 



AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE: I believe the words of the Bible are words from God and are relevant to address my everyday life and the needs of contemporary culture.

  • READ: How to Read the Bible for All its Worth  by Fee and Stuart, The Doctrine of the Word of God by John Frame, or Words of Life by Timothy Ward.

  • LISTEN: Enjoy the CalvaryLife podcast How to Read the Bible with Craig Hill as Pastor Eric Wakeling and Craig talk about the best way to approach Bible reading.



IDENTITY IN CHRIST: I believe my life has value simply because God loves me and I bear His image.

  • READ: Who I am in Christ, Victory over the Darkness by Neil Anderson

  • WATCH: Engage with The Bible Project’s video titled Image of God. Then talk about what you learned with a wise Christian friend.



PERSONAL GOD/HOLY SPIRIT: I believe the Holy Spirit is actively at work in my life.

  • READ: Forgotten God by Francis Chan,  Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, or Baptism and Fullness by John Stott

  • WATCH: Right Now Media’s great resources: Forgotten God teaching series by Francis Chan teaches about the Holy Spirit and offers an invitation to embrace His work in our lives. RNM’s Hearing God teaching series by Dallas Willard helps you develop a conversational relationship with God.

  • LEARN: Read through John 14-16 slowly. Specifically look for the sections that teach about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives.



WORSHIP: I daily spend time in awe of who God is and what He is doing in my life. 

  • LISTEN: Enjoy the CalvaryLife podcast Healthy Worship with Justin Unger as Pastor Eric Wakeling and Justin talk about worship.

  • JOURNAL: Read Psalm 145 for the five days in a row. Spend time each day paraphrasing this psalm in your own words.

  • CREATE: Make a playlist of the worship music that moves your heart. Listen to this playlist each day while you clean, cook, drive or exercise. Use this music as a catalyst to spend time in awe of God.

  • REFLECT: Using the Breathe Devotional from our Calvary Creative Team, spend time in awe of God for 21 days in a row.

  • EXPLORE:  Listen through the Breathe Sermon Series, three message on worship, by our Calvary teaching team. Download the attached outline and work through the Digging Deeper after each message.



PRAYER: I daily spend time in prayer with God, alone or with others. 

  • PRAYER WALK: Pray as you walk around your neighborhood. Praise God for who He is, confess sin, and then pray aloud for the things that are on your heart. Pray too for opportunities to share the love of Jesus with your neighbors.

  • INVITE: Find a friend to pray with you each day. Connect for 5-10 minutes each day and pray for one another.

  • CHOW: Pray together with the Calvary family at 10:02 each day. Based on Luke 10:2, pray that God would send workers into the world to share the gospel and send each of us in our world to do the same. Pray for courage to be bold, a heart for the lost, opportunities to share the good news and words to say.

  • JOURNAL: Write out your prayers in a journal.

  • STUDY: Right Now Media’s great resource: Before Amen by Max Lucado offers four short talks about prayer that will enhance your next conversation with God. 



BIBLE STUDY: I daily read God’s Word to know Him, His truth, and learn how to live.

  • JOIN: Connect in one of the many LifeGroups meeting now. Look for one specifically that is studying a portion of Scripture that is interesting to you. Invite another person in the LifeGroup to hold you accountable to the goal you set for yourself to grow in this area.

  • LEARN: Right Now Media is a great free resource to learn how to study the Bible. Check out hundreds of studies and free study guides to help you grow in your knowledge of Him as you apply God’s Word to your life. Also, The Bible Project’s How to Read the Bible video teaching series.

  • READ:  How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart



EVANGELISM: In the past year, I have engaged in spiritual conversations with family, friends or neighbors who don’t know much about God.

45% of respondents indicated that this statement was “somewhat true” to “not at all true…” of them. 

  • WATCH: Choose an I FOUND THE TRUTH video to watch. Listen to that person’s story of finding Jesus. Consider how God might want to use you to help others find the truth.

  • PRAY: Join with the Calvary family in praying together at 10:02 each day. Based on Luke 10:2, we pray that God would send workers into the world to share the gospel and send us in our world to do the same. We pray for courage to be bold, a heart for the lost, opportunities to share the good news and the words to say. CHOW! Set your alarm on your phone and join with us from wherever you are.

  • JOURNAL: Spend some time writing about the reasons you don’t have spiritual conversations with others. As you process the underlying reasons, journal about how you can overcome them. Do you need to learn something? Do you need mentoring? Do you need to expand your friend circle?

  • PARTICIPATE: Join a LifeGroup or class that offers tools and encouragement to start spiritual conversations. A new group focusing on evangelism is starting early 2021. Check it out here.

  • READ: Becoming a Contagious Christian by Lee Strobel and Mark Middleberg or Art of Neighboring by Dave Runyon and Jay Pathak



COMMUNITY: In the past year, I have met consistently (8+ times) with another Christian or group of Christians who know me, support me, pray for me and hold me accountable to live life consistent with the Word of God. 



TITHING: When I get paid, my first priority is to give financially toward the work of God.

  • BE INSPIRED: Check out Gospel Patrons to learn more about the impact of generosity on the work of God throughout history. See the testimonies of others on their journey of generosity at Generous Giving.
  • CONNECT: Check out Generous Living. Then join Pastor Michael Welles for the next Calvary Workshop or seminar providing biblical wisdom about your finances.

  • STUDY: Right Now Media’s great resource: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn offers a six week study on the liberating joy of giving and its eternal impact.

  • STEP OUT: Consider your current budget. What percentage do you currently give toward kingdom work? How can you build that amount to reach 10%? Pray about stepping out in faith to give 1% more each month for the next ten months as you trust God to provide.



SERVING OTHERS: Each week I give away my time to serve others in my community and/or my church, using my spiritual gifts to meet the needs of others and help them know the love of Jesus. 

51% of respondents indicated that this statement was “somewhat true” to “not at all true…” of them. 

  • PRAY: Talk with God about how He has created you.  Ask God to show you how He has gifted you to serve others and build His church.

  • CONNECT: Sit down with a trusted Christian friend who has known you for a while. Ask them to provide honest feedback about your strengths, gifts and abilities. Process their feedback as you consider who, how, and where to serve.

  • MEMORIZE: Read Mark 10:45 multiple times. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Then, memorize it.

  • JOURNAL: Put pen to paper. When have you experienced the most joy serving others? What were you doing? What opportunities to serve are interesting to you?

  • LEARN: Research different opportunities to serve others. They are everywhere! Check out all the things Calvary is doing throughout the week. Reach out to talk with a pastor about an area of ministry that interests you. See how you might be able to serve in this area for a season. Serve on a team or apply to lead in one of the ongoing ministries at Calvary.



SABBATH: Each week I set aside time to stop working and rest in the presence of Jesus. 

  • DOWNLOAD: Check out these two apps that encourage you to rest in the presence of God: Dwell and Abide
  • LEARN: Right Now Media's great resource: 24/6 by Matthew Sleeth offers a four session teaching series to help you live a healthier, more God-centered life in this digitally dazed, always-on world.
  • LISTEN: Download Calvary’s teaching series on Rest. Then use sermon outlines and Digging Deeper attached to each message to apply what you hear.
  • PRACTICE: Plan to set aside time this week to practice resting in the presence of Jesus. Go to a park. Take a walk at the beach. Hike a trail nearby. Focus on Jesus as you step away from the busy, distracting world that is stealing your attention away from the One who deserves it most.



JOY & PEACE: I am joyful and content most of the time, regardless of circumstances. 

  • READ: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. Also, Flirting with Darkness by Ben Courson. While both are great, this second book is a great Biblical approach to depression/anxiety for a millennial/GenZ reader.

  • LEARN: Right Now Media's great resource: Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg offers a six week study focused on the joy described in the Bible.

  • FOLLOW: If you’re on Instagram, follow @anxietybreakers for consistent encouragement from Calvary member, Dr. Andrea Ganahl



SELF CONTROL: I do not struggle with self-control in any of these areas of my life: food, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, legal or illegal medications, temper, speech, sexual relationships, or pornography.

52% of respondents indicated that this statement was “somewhat true” to “not at all true…” of them. 

  • MEMORIZE: Read the following verse a few times every day. Then work on memorizing it! Let God’s Word remind you that God’s Spirit lives in you. And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. (Romans 8:10, 11)

  • CONNECT: Seek the support of others who are on the journey with you. Visit a Christian counselor, join Celebrate Recovery, or join a LifeGroup. Whichever you choose, be honest and ask for ongoing support and accountability in the area of struggle.

  • PRAY: Ask a trusted friend to pray regularly with you about the area of greatest struggle in your life. Then ask them to hold you accountable to submitting this part of your life to God’s Spirit.

  • CONFESS: Agree with God that you do not want this temptation to overpower you but instead submit this area of your life to God. Confess your sin to Him. Invite Him to take away your desire for sin and replace it with a desire to please God.

  • READ: Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery by John Baker



LOVE & UNITY: I demonstrate love equally toward people of all races, generations and social classes. 

  • READ: Love Does by Bob Goff or Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365-Day Journey by Bob Goff

  • STUDY: Take a week and read through 1 Corinthians 13 and James 2 each day. Meditate on these words of Scripture and ask the Lord to help you love well. Journal what you are learning and principles you can apply to your life.

  • PRAY: Pray about this specific area of your life for twenty-one days. With whom do you struggle most? Pray for this person or people group each day and ask God to change your heart. Look for ways to make friends with someone who is different than you.

  • PARTICIPATE: Join the LifeGroup: Conversations about Race & Reconciliation and talk through Dr. Tony Evans’ book Oneness Embraced.