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Pastoral Update - Thank you for your generosity in 2022!

12/6/22 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    It is truly such a gift and privilege to serve and worship God alongside all of you. One of the wonderful things that God showed me during my sabbatical this summer was to see that the people of Calvary Church are just as beautiful and awe-inspiring as the grandeur of the Swiss Alps. It’s really true! God creates all people in his image with purpose, worth and beauty. I hope you can see your neighbors, yourself and even your enemies with the eyes of God.

    As 2022 comes to a close, I want you to know that I love you all and I am hopeful for what God will do as we seek his will for our church into 2023 and beyond. In pursuit of that, I will be asking for your input, ideas, prayer and involvement on some priorities that our Elder and Pastors have been working toward. We are continuing to pursue a focus of prayer as we listen to God and then pray boldly in dependence for the Spirit to work in and through us. We are also starting to explore ways we can grow in our discipleship by making disciples who make disciples. And, we want to make leadership development a priority to see each member of our church family empowered to bear good fruit for God’s Kingdom.

    At 91 years of age, Calvary Church continues to make an impact on children, students, families and people of all ages both here in Orange County and around the world. Thank you for your generous support and service to help keep us thriving with the purpose of seeing lives transformed by Jesus Christ.

    We have continued to experience the amazing provision of God through the faithfulness of our church family and I want to update you on our current need as this year wraps up. Our goal for General Church Ministry in December is $650,000 and we are now $75,000 or about 5% behind our budget target. For Reach Missions, our goal for December is $137,000 and we are $50,000 or about 15% behind as of the end of November.

    Will you join me in praying for Calvary Church and consider making a year-end contribution to help further our ministries locally and globally into 2023 and beyond? You can give today using the enclosed envelope or visit our website to set up a recurring gift or one-time donation at CalvaryLife.org/Give.

    I am deeply grateful for all of you. I am thankful for your generous participation in the work of the gospel. And, I am so thankful for your constant prayers for God to use our church to make an impact locally and globally in Jesus’ name. I would love to see you each Sunday at Calvary as we dig deep into the life of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke together, starting with A Thrill of Hope in Luke 1-2. We also have wonderful opportunities to reach out and invite friends and neighbors to our special Christmas season events. See all the details at SantaAnaChristmas.com.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling