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Reminders for this Election Season

10/3/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family, 

    Even as I am currently on a trip to South Africa with Acres of Love and the world is watching all that is happening around Israel, we are also well aware of the presidential election season in the United States of America. I know that some of you wish we would talk about our views on politics more and some of you wish we would never talk about it at all. 

    Well, today we are going to talk about it! And I’m going to introduce you to a resource we are providing that I pray will be helpful for you and your upcoming decisions. 

    But first, here are a couple reminders. Our number one allegiance must be to Jesus Christ and that should be miles and miles above our allegiance to anything else. Jesus is King. God is the only one that is worthy of our worship and we should be very very careful with how we relate to any human leader or celebrity or even our nation. 

    I wholeheartedly believe that we should be thoughtful, prayerful, and productive citizens of the country in which we live. We should be a light to the world. We should be a visible display of Jesus Christ to our country. Our lives should be a physical manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. All of our political involvement and discussion should flow out of this heart and mindset. 

    We also should consider our vote prayerfully and decide our vote with a foundation of biblical values. Here at Calvary Church, I don’t want to tell you who or what to vote for, but I do want you to be informed as you vote. There are many resources to help you make biblically-based decisions on the major federal positions. We also know that local government likely affects your life in more tangible ways and can be difficult to research. 

    So with the hard work and help of the leader of our Faith and Public Policy Ministry here at Calvary, we have developed a voter guide for Central Orange County based on a few key questions. In accordance with the established policies and regulations, we diligently pursued all the declared candidates for office in several cities and districts surrounding our church. We asked them six short questions and they were able to respond. These questions are either actual issues facing our cities and school districts right now or help us to understand their position on a couple of other key issues. 

    Voter Guides do not tell readers for whom they should vote. Rather, the Voter Guide simply provides a candidate comparison based on candidates’ responses to survey questions. If you don’t see the name of a candidate on this list then they did not respond to our multiple requests. 

    It is our prayer that you will vote and use this voter guide to select men and women who fear God, align with Jesus Christ, and are directed by the Word of God.

    You can find our Calvary Church Voter Guide at CalvaryLife.org/Vote.

    May the words of Isaiah be a reminder in these tense times on both a national and international scale of where our hope is found and who our trust should be in, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling