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You're Invited - Easter Week at Calvary

3/19/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family, 

    Resurrection Sunday is right around the corner! In this season we celebrate what God has done. Easter is a holiday about remembering, giving thanks, and worshiping God for his great power over sin and death. We then share that Good News with others. 

    We have so many wonderful things planned to help you be able to do all these things throughout Holy Week. All of them can be found at CalvaryOC.com and I’d love for you to start preparing now to be part of as many as you can! 


    First, we have some ways to pray and prepare your hearts through Holy Week Prayers. We will have open times of prayer in Samsvick Chapel on Monday-Friday, March 25-29 at 7:00am. We also have an Evening Prayer time on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall. 


    Then we have the Passover Seder on Thursday night. This is one of the most interesting and mind-blowing experiences of seeing the Old Testament and Jewish cultural practices point directly to Jesus as Messiah. We will go through a full Passover experience with different prayers, languages, customs and foods. The Seder is a little different this year than in the past in that we will not have a Buffet Dinner as part of the evening. As costs for everything have increased, we wanted to offer the exact same Passover experience without the dinner and have it be much more affordable. Thursday, March 28 from 7:00 - 9:00pm in Fellowship Hall. $20. Register at CalvaryLife.org/Seder.


    Our Good Friday service is a time of somber reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Come prepared to hear biblical readings, take part in silent prayer, sing songs glorifying Jesus for his death on the cross, and then take communion together to remember with gratitude. Friday, March 29 at 7:00pm — English/ASL in the Worship Center and Spanish in Samsvick Chapel.


    The Sunrise worship experience will be at 6:00am in the central Courtyard here at Calvary. This is a wonderful and simple tradition to celebrate the resurrection around the time that the empty tomb was discovered. We are changing it up this year so the seats will face the sunrise as it comes up over Samsvick Chapel. Come ready for it to be chilly and dark when the service begins but with hearts that are warm and bright by the time it concludes. 

    Our service in English with ASL will be at 9:00am in in the Worship Center. Then our service in Spanish will be at 11:00am in Samsvick Chapel.  At both 9:00am & 11:00am, we will also have a fun Kids Program available for Nursery-K featuring an Easter Puppet Show! In our Easter Sunday worship services, we will gather to sing with all our hearts and recall the greatest story ever told that Jesus is risen from the dead! One of our key points will revolve around the wonderful, biblical truth of 1 Peter 1:3 “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation.” 

    We live with great expectation of a future and a present that are completely renewed and filled with joy because of what God has done for us. 


    Has your life been changed by Jesus, but you've never been baptized? Go public with your faith this Easter and identify with his life, death and resurrection through water baptism. We are looking forward to celebrating with you as you take this important next step in your faith!

    Find out more and sign up for the Baptism Class this Sunday, March 24 at 11:00am in the Worship Center Lobby at CalvaryLife.org/Baptism


    You can also sign up to serve as a volunteer this Easter. Help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all who come to celebrate by helping with the Connections team as a greeter, usher or coffee station host - or with our Kids Team and their program for Nursery - Kindergarten. Sign Up Here


    Please be praying for this entire week and be praying for those you can reach out to and invite to come hear the Good News of the love, grace and forgiveness we find in Jesus that has the power to save because he is risen from the grave. 

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,